Why Desperate Housewive's Karl Got The Axe


Posted by Ruwayne Nell | Posted in , | Posted on Friday, February 19, 2010

If you're like me and still shocked at the whole lacluster ending to Desperate Housewive's Karl then you are not alone. Zap2it's Jethro Nededog recently sat down with executive producer Bob Daily about the sudden departure of Richard Burgi's character and why it was such a tough decision. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

Our readers would hate us if we didn't ask you this. Can you talk about the thought process of either killing Karl or Orson in the plane crash?
That was a very difficult position, because we loved Richard Burgi. Everybody in the show from the writers down to the Kraft services people loved Richard Burgi. He was just a favorite of everybody, so that was a really tough decision. I think Marc felt like that relationship with Bree and Karl was really fun, but it was so uncharacteristic for Bree that I think the feeling was to keep that going would have been difficult and would have transformed Bree's character in a way. I think audiences like to see characters change a little, but I really think they want them to return to who they are. While that was a great moment for Bree, having that sort of unbridled sexual relationship with a guy she had nothing in common with, we felt at the end of the day, she needed to go back to being Bree. It was going to be tough to do that with Karl.

You can read the rest of the interview at Zap2it meanwhile what do you think of Desperate Housewive's having killed off Karl? Should we take Teri Hatcher's suggestion and bring Richard Burgi back as Karl's evil twin brother?

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